What to Expect

You will notice some of the many benefits right away. 1.) Increase in energy levels 2.) Feeling of being relaxed. 3.) Increased sweat levels etc. Some describe this feeling as being very similar to a “Runner’s High.” Depending on each individual's genetics and physical condition, it may take 3 to 5 sessions (within a relatively short timeframe) before you begin to experience the other benefits such as weight loss, pain relief, reduction in cellulite, skin rejuvenation and mental clarity.
The Infrared Sauna Therapy process is much like a regimented workout routine or nutrition plan. If you remain disciplined and complete sessions on a regular basis you will optimize results.
Wellness is a Lifestyle !!!
5 - 10 Sessions
You’ve started to unlock the powerful detoxification process. Your body is now starting to eliminate surface level toxins more efficiently through perspiration. You’re burning more calories and raising your core body temperature more quickly.
11-15 Sessions
Your body is acclimated to the infrared sauna sessions and reacting favorably to it. Complete cellular detoxification is underway, eliminating harmful heavy metals, aches, pains, and stiffness. Circulation has improved greatly, your overall stress levels have declined dramatically, your skin is glowing and renewed, and you are in a state of complete relaxation.
16+ Sessions
You have committed to a Wellness Lifestyle and you are noticing the changes in your body and the way you feel. Your stress levels have dropped, you have lost weight (if you follow a healthy diet), you sleep better and longer and your body is experiencing cellular level detoxification. You are healing naturally from within and burning substantial calories in every session. You are now well on your way to a healthier you!
Wellness is a Lifestyle !!!